Fire Chief Dan Munsey Campaign Announcement



Fire Chief Dan Munsey Campaign Announcement

Chief Dan Munsey (EFO, CFO, MPA) has announced his intent to run for IAFC 2nd Vice President.

Often described as a fire service thought-leader and innovator, Chief Munsey brings excitement to the IAFC with his effective track record of fire service leadership as an experienced association leader, relationship builder, and public safety legislative advocate.

Chief Munsey wants what WE want, for the IAFC to be a strong, cohesive, and recognized voice in national and international fire, rescue, and EMS issues. He emphasizes that the International Association of Fire Chiefs should be exactly that- an association designed to support fire chiefs with their education, advocacy, legislative, and professional development needs.

Chief Munsey, an established association leader (he currently serves in several large association leadership positions including the chairperson of the IAFC Tech Council, FIRESCOPE Director, and the vice-president of the California Metro Fire Chiefs Association) states that “Our members, sections, divisions, committees, and partners are better together, and each should have a valued voice in our association. But we must ensure we have alignment between these voices to ensure we speak with one collective voice”.

Each of our members have a role to play, Chief Munsey believes a huge disservice occurs when we are not focused on strong internal communication. He seeks to have alignment in our (IAFC) voice and believes that only then can “we communicate effectively our needs to Congress, other associations, and the industries that support our public safety efforts”.

Chief Munsey believes in being focused on building relationships, streamlining messaging, and strategizing on how best to serve the fire service and its members. To do this, he strongly believes in United States Fire Administrator Dr. Moore-Merrell’s message of the importance of speaking with “One Voice”.

This “One Voice” is simple.  It is about building and fostering relationships. It is about seeking out and listening to our membership, our divisions, sections, and committees. It is then about creating a large impact by speaking with “One Voice”.

As a public safety advocate, Chief Munsey has twice testified to congressional committees on emerging fire service issues (including wildland and electric vehicle fires).  He is often consulted by industry leaders on emerging technology and firefighter safety, he speaks regularly at national conferences, and is an instructor in many fire service disciplines including chief and executive officer development. Chief Munsey has promoted firefighter’s issues on many podcasts and in fire related articles; he has been in the fire service on a high level for decades.

Chief Munsey will work as a collaborative leader on the IAFC executive board, he will work cohesively with other large fire associations, and with our membership to influence national and international policies, promote best practices, and to foster collaboration amongst our fire professionals globally.

The IAFC is about advocacy for our membership. This will always be the driving force behind Chief Munsey’s decisions. We urge you to support Chief Munsey on May 14th with your IAFC vote!

Click this link for more information on Fire Chief Dan Munsey